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Developing Climate Smart Schools in Nicaragua
2019 - Present
Context: A Climate-Vulernable Region
The Pacific Region (western part of Nicaragua) is exposed to natural hazards due to the occurrence of meteorological and geological phenomena related to the geodynamics of the land, such as landslides, erosion, subsidence, among others.
The Atlantic region, the least urbanized of the country (42% of rural population), concentrates the poorest populations whose living conditions are particularly precarious. The main livelihoods are informal trade, agriculture, and fishing. Events such as floods, droughts, storms, and hurricanes intensify these effects resulting in crop losses, reduced availability of drinking water, and increased incidence of disease. This problem is steadily worsening with the impacts of the climate crisis, population growth, poorly regulated urbanization and overexploitation of natural resources.
This project takes place in 4 schools located in two geographic areas of Nicaragua vulnerable to floods, landslides, earthquakes, droughts, and where the population lives in conditions of poverty:
● The Pacific region: Emaus and Divino Niño schools.
● The Southern Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region: San Pedro School and Colegio Cristiano Verbo in Bluefields.
Intervention: A Transversal Approach
The scope of this project is to develop 4 Climate Smart Schools. The schools will become climate change role models for the population:
Participatory socio-technical diagnosis and integral participative pre-design to develop architectural design to implement climate change adaptation works in the 4 schools.
Installation of infrastructures for water, sanitation and hygiene, renewable energy, food security and agroecology.
Each of the solutions and works will function as demonstrative tools for awareness actions and contribute to the integral education of the children.
Training of students, teachers, parents, and local authorities of the Climate Smart Schools : permaculture, climate change induction, nutrition, hygiene and health, efficient use of water, integrated solid waste management and GROW BIOINTENSIVE® method.
Four children's Water and Sanitation Committees (CAPS) formed in each school, made up of students.
Action days : parents, students, teachers, and the surrounding communities are invited to create together a clean and safe space in which children attend classes. They are also sensitized to good practices.
Awareness-raising campaign
Climate Smart Schools established and strengthened in their community climate resilience, with students, teachers, and families near the Climate Smart Schools strengthening their capacities and knowledge of adaptation to climate change.
direct beneficiaries that include schools’ students, their parents, teachers and employees. The neighboring communities are indirect beneficiaries of the project since they will have access to the Climate Smart Schools as spaces for mobilization and practices. Local authorities will also be involved in design activities and trainings, with the aim of raising their awareness to promote these practices and technologies.
indirect beneficiaries of the project since they will have access to the Climate Smart Schools as spaces for mobilization and practices. Local authorities will also be involved in design activities and trainings, with the aim of raising their awareness to promote these practices and technologies.
Thank you to our partners:
Paul Hwang, Inkia Energy, SENSE Foundation, Meal A Day