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Programa de Desarrollo Comunitario

Capacity Building Program

The countries where blueEnergy works are extremely vulnerable to climate change due to the increase in frequency and intensity of extreme climate events, including hurricanes, floods, landslides, drought, and rising sea levels. Extreme weather events can exacerbate and increase poverty, gender-based violence, food insecurity, and the inability to access clean water, hygiene, and sanitation. Because climate change intersects with all of these different issues, blueEnergy’s climate change resilience initiative in Nicaragua aims to address them through an intersectional, integrative lens. The initiative is transversal across all three programs of Food Security and Agroecology, WASH, and Renewable Energy

Methods & Approaches


Climate Smart Schools

The “Climate Smart Schools” program is a project with four schools in the region, which focuses on the integration of water, sanitation, hygiene, energy, and food security in both the Caribbean and Pacific side of Nicaragua in the face of extreme climatic events like hurricanes and tropical storms.


Local Plan of Adaptation to Climate Change

The Local Plans of Adaptation to Climate Change (PLACCs) are community-developed plans that aim to increase adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change, examining community hazards and vulnerabilities, as well as community capacities and resources.

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Prepared & Model Families 

blueEnergy’s “Model Families” are highly motivated beneficiaries who demonstrate, validate, and share good practices and technologies for adaptation to Climate Change at the family level. In turn, they inspire and motivate local adaptation to the new climate reality in the communities of the southern Caribbean coast of Nicaragua through example and community advocacy.


Noda Model Center

Training workshops on the biointensive method and agroecology are organized at the blueEnergy Noda Model Center, recognized as a "Biointensive Agroecology Center", an official place of learning and dissemination of the method at the regional and national levels. 

Project Highlights 


Families and Communities Prepared for Climate Change


Document Library


Rama Agricultural Practices

Compilation of the main agricultural and fishing practices of the Rama and Kriol indigenous people, a document that catalogues knowledge and traditions.




Programa de Desarrollo Comunitario

Community tool to manage development actions in the municipality of Corn Island, in the area of wetland and ecosystem conservation.




Local Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change

Learn more about the PLACC with this community document created through participatory methodologies, a tool for community management and action development.




2014 - Present

Increasing hurricanes and tropical storms were destroying crops and seeds of the indigenous Rama population south of Bluefields. In the context of a new program of adaptation to climate change at the local university BICU, Martina Luger associated herself with blueEnergy in 2014 and studied the traditional ecological and agricultural practices in Rama territory, initiating a seed conservation bank. 


Meanwhile in Bluefield's neighborhoods, houses and roads were destroyed. blueEnergy coordinated a cartography of the risks caused by climate change, in the urban area.  Inhabitant committees described with great detail the positive and negative aspects of their environment, and their work led to several local plans of adaptation to climate change, presented to municipal and regional authorities. 




Green Islands Campaign: Good Living, Good Life


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Empoderar a familias saludables construyendo comunidades resilientes
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